At Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro South, supporting education doesn’t stop when our members graduate from high school. Supporting their continued success with college scholarships is a critical component of our commitment to creating pathways to higher education, achieving their dreams, and great futures!
Scholarship recipients are goal-oriented, have worked hard to be academically successful, and have exhibited commitment leadership in our Club and the community at large. Their character and leadership exhibited at their Club serves as an excellent example to fellow Club members or employees of what hard work and working on a team for the greater good can accomplish.
Please join us in congratulating our worthy 2024 scholarship recipients!
The Sullivan Tire & Auto Service Scholarship program was established to provide financial assistance to Club members, staff, and alumni in amounts ranging from $500-$5,000 in an effort to place higher education within reach for our teen members those who might not otherwise have the opportunity to attend college or achieve their dreams.
Each year, our Clubs raise more than $20,000 through our Sullivan Tire & Auto Service Holiday Party for Kids
held each December at our Brockton and Taunton Clubhouses, which sustains the Sullivan Tire Scholarship Fund. Through the generosity of our many holiday party table sponsors, Sullivan Family Foundation, and
Sullivan Tire & Auto Services, we have been able to award over 40 scholarships since 2015!
2024 Sullivan Tire & Auto Service Club Member Scholarship Recipients
Kaelin Harren
2024 Sullivan Tire & Auto Service Alumni Scholarship Recipients
Tahj Coleman
Martin Dafov
Marisa Gay
2024 Sullivan Tire & Auto Service Staff Scholarship Recipients
Sarah Chavez
Kiley George
Emma Bradley
Megan Conlon
Briahna Leandres
Noah Bulcao
Paige Nelson
Tiffany Ye
John Waldron Memorial Scholarship
The John Waldron "Just Checking In" Memorial Scholarship was established in 2020 and honors the memory of John Waldron by providing college-bound Club members who have demonstrated John's spirit of service to others through leadership and good works at our Clubhouses with $1,000 scholarships towards their post-secondary studies.
2024 John Waldron Memorial Scholarship Recipients
Markayla Petit-Frere
Sophia Butler
Mylen Etienne Memorial "Fulfilling a Dream" Scholarship
The Mylen Carl Etienne Memorial "Fulfilling a Dream" Scholarship was established in 2020 in loving memory of a beloved teen member at our Brockton Clubhouse and counselor at Camp Riverside. We honor Mylen's memory by helping teens realize Mylen's own dream to attend college through scholarship awards ranging from $1,000-$5,000.
2024 Mylen Etienne "Fulfilling a Dream" Memorial Scholarship Recipients
Mattia McIntrye
Ebba Sims Memorial Scholarship
The Ebba Sims memorial scholarship was established in 2023 in loving memory of Ebba Sims. Ebba was a longtime devoted supporter of our clubs alongside her husband bob -- a longtime member of our board of directors and a fierce advocate for the youth of brockton. our Clubs are committed to honoring Ebba and Bob’s legacy by helping Brockton clubhouse teens access college and unlock opportunity through scholarship awards.
2024 Ebba Sims Memorial Scholarship Recipients
Mila Dafov
The Phia Group
Great Futures Scholarship recognizes one graduating senior annually for their commitment to education and dedication to a better future by awarding a $10,000 scholarship to assist in their pursuit of their dream of higher educational and development of a strong work ethic. 2024 marks The Phia Group's eighth year as the official sponsor of our Club’s
Youth of the Year
competition. Annually, The Phia Group presents our YOY with a scholarship and a new laptop to assist their pursuits of higher education!
2024 The Phia Group Youth of the Year Scholarship
Mila Dafov
Congratulations to all of the 2024 scholarship recipients!
Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro South
Club Support Center
19 Court Street
Taunton, MA 02780
(508) 812-3119
Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro South
Brockton Clubhouse
233 Warren Avenue
Brockton, MA 02301
(508) 584-5209
Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro South
Taunton Clubhouse
31 Court Street
Taunton, MA 02780
(508) 824-4341
Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro South
Camp Riverside
388 Harvey Street
Taunton, MA 02780
(508) 824-3311