The road to heart health begins in childhood. The habits youth form today are likely to become their habits for life. At the Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro South, we understand that promoting healthy habits for our members means providing holistic support for their healthy physical and emotional development. Each February, during #AmericanHeartMonth, we double down on our commitment to educating our boys and girls about the long-term impacts of the choices they make today on their health and vitality in the future.
Our Healthy Lifestyles
programming helps develop our members' capacity to engage in positive behaviors that help them nurture their own well-being, set personal goals, and live successfully as self-sufficient young adults. We are dedicated to providing our members with the resources and opportunities they need in order to take the power of good health into their own hands, and it starts with ensuring their most basic needs are always met.
Food insecurity is a leading cause of malnutrition in children, and for too many youth in our community it is also a threat to their cognition, emotional regulation, and long-term health. Through our Kids Café Healthy Meals program, we serve nutritious dinners to more than 400 youth each evening during the academic year, and both breakfast and lunch to more than 500 youth during the summer months to ensure our members never leave our Clubs hungry.
92% of our members qualify for free or
reduced-price school lunches, and many
depend upon lunch at school and dinner at
our Clubs as their only reliable sources of
healthy food each day.
Further, we work to ensure that the meals we serve are well-balanced so that our members do not just get food to fill them for the day – they get the proper nutrition to fuel them for their futures. Eating well gives our members the energy they need to set and achieve their goals, and create positive habits that will sustain their long-term health as they develop into young adults. We incorporate as many natural ingredients as possible into these meals, limit the number of processed foods we use, and offer as much fresh produce as we can to ensure that our members have balanced plates and balanced diets.
According to Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s
National Youth Outcomes Initiative (NYOI)
survey administered to our Club members in
April 2019, 86% of BGCMS members report
eating fruits at least once a day, and 75%
report eating vegetables once a day.
Apart from a healthy diet, youth also need access to daily physical fitness
opportunities in order to maintain their heart health and their overall well-being. Daily physical activity is shown to increase a child’s self-esteem, mood, and all-around cognitive function. Kids who are regularly physically active also tend to have better grades, school attendance, and classroom behavior. For young people living in urban environments, going outside to exercise and play with friends is not always an option. In cities like Brockton and Taunton, there are limited outdoor areas for youth to be active and very little green space for children to safely play. Our Clubs provide a vital space for our members to stay fit and healthy.
In addition to group play and individual free recreation time in our gymnasiums, our Clubs offer playgrounds, sports leagues, and team-based programs to keep our members moving. Our Brockton Clubhouse offers several dance programs in our Dance Studio, and both our Clubhouses have teen fitness centers where members can utilize cardio machines and free weights to improve their cardiovascular health and strength. Our Taunton Clubhouse offers a full indoor Aquatics Center to combine healthy living, water safety, and enriching fun. Swimming is not only a great way to stay active, but it is also an important life skill that our members are able to practice every day at our indoor pool, both through swim lessons offered by our Clubs and as part of the regular programming day. Our Aquatics Center also serves as the host site for our very own competitive swim team, local high school swim teams, and adult lap swim to encourage the well-being of our community members.
When school is out for the summer months, our Clubs also host full-day camp programs at Camp Riverside, where members are encouraged to explore a wide variety of ways to be active. Camp activities like rock climbing, swimming, canoeing, high and low ropes courses, field games, and nature walks are just a handful of the opportunities offered to the more than 500 youth we serve each day at during summer camp. Access to our 45 acres of safe green space at Camp Riverside is a crucial resource that we provide members in order to keep them active and healthy. Having fun while being physically active encourages our members to continue engaging in activities that help them stay fit and have fun at the same time.
According to the 2019 NYOI survey, 80% of
BGCMS members report being physically active
for sixty minutes or more at least two days a week.
Of all the opportunities and resources that we offer to our members to help keep them healthy, the heart of our Healthy Lifestyles programming is wellness education.
We work to teach our youth how to make healthy choices when they are not at our Clubs, including healthy foods and positive behavior. We help members make the connection between proper nutrition and activity and feeling well and healthy.
Our wellness education curriculum is designed to help our youth understand where their healthy food comes from, increase their knowledge about nutrition, and get them excited about staying active. Youth learn about natural and environmental sciences in our STEM Labs and get hands-on experience to understand where their healthy food comes from by growing fruits and vegetables in our indoor hydroponic grow-towers. These fruits and vegetables are also used in the Kids Café Healthy Meals program to serve fresh produce to even more members and pique their interest in the cycle of healthy choices.
Along with learning about physical well-being, our members also engage in programs that help foster their emotional and mental wellness. Programs like SMART Girls, Passport to Manhood, and Buddy Chats offer space for our members to express themselves, explore their opinions, and learn from the experiences of their staff and peers.
By empowering our members with the knowledge and resources they need to make healthy choices in all areas of their lives, we know we are contributing the kind of systematic change that is so desperately needed in communities like ours. At the Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro South, we work to incorporate healthy living into all areas of our members’ Club experience and provide a holistic wellness program. We aim to help our youth lead well-balanced, healthy lifestyles that nurture their hearts, minds, and bodies and set them on the path to great futures!